Join us in the 2019 Target Urban Soccer Initiative!
As community leaders of the street game, Columbus Futsal is partnering with United Soccer Coaches and Target to bring the Urban Soccer Futsal Diploma course to Columbus, OH on Friday, September 20th.
This is a FREE course limited to 25 registrants who are community based soccer leaders in Columbus or interested in growing those opportunities in their neighborhoods.
Register here: https://www.eiseverywhere.com/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=404591&categoryid=3380844
Course: Urban Soccer Futsal Diploma
Host: Columbus Futsal
Site Coordinator(s): Malissa Galiffo Garcia
Site Coordinator Phone: (614) 655-1590
Site Coordinator E-mail: malissa@columbusfutsal.us
Facility: Tuttle Park Recreation Center
Location: 240 W Oakland Avenue, Columbus, OH 43202
Date: Friday, September 20, 2019
Time: 5:30 - 9:00 PM with a light reception following
Cost: Free
Registrants will receive access to the USC coaching app, a free trial membership to USC online, and the Urban Soccer Futsal Diploma.
The Urban Soccer Diploma was created by Vince Ganzberg out of Indianapolis, who will instruct the course in tandem with Dante Garcia. Theory and practical sessions are part of this course.
Special thanks to Target, United Soccer Coaches, Tuttle Park Recreation Center, and the
Clintonville Community Resource Center.